Daoyin Health Society
Class Note #1: Introduction of Yuanji Daoyin
Diaphram/abdominal breathing is the foundation of all Daoyin motions
Relaxing body while inhaling and stretching muscle and body while exhaling
Stretching muscles in two opposite directions
Stretching motions in orbits of circle or coiling
Most motions and stretching emphasize the spine and spinal cord for the connection of the autonomic nerve system with the inner organs
In most cases, using hip and spine to lead the motions of shoulder , arm, or legs
Why focus on the spine?
Governing (Du) Meridian : “Keep energy flow free, keep disease away”
Spine Segmental innovations: Spine - autonomic nerve system – viscera (inner organs)
Spinal cord nerve , joints and muscle, more than 200 disorders related to spinal cord –autonomic nerve dysfunction, mostly on neck and upper spine
Why pelvic tilt while exhale on standing pose?
. Reduce the tension on low back, particularly L5-S1 joint, so reduce back pain and nerve compression on the location
. Unblock energy flow on spinal cord (Du meridian)
. More power for upper body actions